The KMRHS library is devoted to materials on model railroading and the history of railroads in general, concentrating on the railroads that served
Kalamazoo County. There are both primary (Timetables, Official Guides, Maintenance manuals etc.) and secondary (books, magazines, videos)
materials in the collection. We have a full run of Trains magazine and nearly full runs of Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman. We are
attempting to acquire back issues of other model titles to improve our collections of these and other magazines. KMRHS members may check out
materials from the collection. The general public is welcome to use the collection while at the clubhouse. A movie production company, the National
Park Service and local historians and authors all have used our library as a resource. The collection may be viewed during our regular meetings or
by contacting us to make an appointment with the librarian.